Thursday, June 21, 2012

Trip to Placemakers - Clarence Street

Finally it was the day of our trip to Placemakers to talk to the experts about our box construction. Little did we know what surprises were in store for us. When we arrived at the doors Bob, Cliff and Val welcomed us and then preceeded to give each of us a Chiefs/ Placemakers Beanie. Imagine my surprise when this happened. Already we were thinking that this was going to be a great experience.

After this we went inside and some of the students presented thier research and designs to Bob and Cliff. They looked over our plans and then advised us that Placemakers would be donating the wood required as well as the PVA glue, screws, sealer and a paint brush. We were all very grateful. I told Bob that we would make sure that our appreciation would be written on the side of the box when it was completed.

Some of the students had thought that it would be a good idea to sing them a song we like to sing at school .So we finished our visit with Count on me.

After we had finished singing we got a huge clap from all the staff as they had heard the singing and came to where it was happening. It was all rather exciting. Trinity gave a thank you speech, as we always do, and the we walked back to the cars. Then it hit me. How were we going to get the wood back to school? The pieces of wood would not fit in the van. Bob said "No trouble, we will drop it off at school." So Cliff hopped in his ute and went off to Deanwell school. The kids gave them all a big clap for that. I was especially happy because I had forgotten our camera but Val let us borrow their company one and just said to drop it off after I finish school.  So we are very thank\ful for that too, otherwise we wouldn't have any pictures to show.

 So we have our wood....
 We have the screws and glue...
and now we have to build the computer box. Thanks Placemakers. You are our heroes!